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Welcome to the Final Chapters

We have now reached the final chapters of our journey to improve our self-image. In previous posts, we have looked at various steps and techniques to bring more balance and positivity to how we perceive ourselves.

It is important to remember that building a positive self-image is an ongoing learning process, and consistent practice of the skills we have discussed is essential. Just like any other skill, it takes constant effort and dedication to see lasting results. So, as you embark on the final chapters of our work, remember that regular practice of these skills is the key to achieving long-term positive change.

Once you have focused on a particular skill or technique, do not be afraid to apply it to other areas of your life where you would like to feel better. The skills and strategies we have explored can be adapted and applied to different qualities or aspects of our lives that we want to improve. So, as you progress through these final chapters, think about how you can incorporate these techniques into different areas of your life to further improve your self-image.

Remember that improving our self-image is a journey, and it is okay to have setbacks along the way. Be patient with yourself and celebrate even the smallest victories. With consistent practice and self-awareness, you can continue to develop a more positive and empowering self-image that will benefit you in all areas of your life.

So, let us dive into these final chapters and continue our quest to cultivate a healthy and positive self-image!

You have been actively engaged in strengthening your positive self-image by practicing in a neutral environment where you consciously induce and maintain positive feelings. This proactive approach allows you to develop skills that can be applied in real time when faced with negative emotions or challenging situations.

There are different techniques that can be used, and their effectiveness may vary from person to person. For some, self-talk can be a helpful tool to reinforce a positive self-image. Engaging in positive self-affirmations, internal dialogue, or motivational self-talk can help to boost self-esteem and maintain a positive outlook.

Others may find it more effective to use an anchor. An anchor can be any object, sound, or gesture associated with positive emotions. By deliberately associating an anchor with positive emotions during your practice in a neutral environment, you can use it as a trigger to evoke those positive emotions when faced with negativity in real-life situations.

Imagery is another technique that can be used. Creating mental images of yourself succeeding, feeling confident, or achieving your goals can help improve your self-image and generate positive emotions. Visualization exercises can be a powerful tool for improving self-esteem and maintaining a positive outlook.

Paying attention to your posture and facial expressions can also affect your self-image. Standing up straight, smiling, and maintaining eye contact can convey confidence and positivity not only to others, but also to yourself. Practicing positive body language can contribute to a more positive self-image.

It is important to experiment and find what works best for you. Everyone is unique, and different techniques may resonate differently with different people. By actively exploring and practicing these techniques in a neutral environment, you can develop a toolkit of strategies to maintain a positive self-image and effectively manage negative emotions or situations in real-life scenarios.

Remember that building a positive self-image is a journey, and consistent practice and self-awareness can lead to long-term positive change.

Here are some additional tips for enhancing your positive self-image:

  • Be patient and persistent.

It takes time and effort to change your self-image, so don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

  • Be kind to yourself.

Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a friend who is struggling with their self-image.

  • Focus on your strengths.

Everyone has strengths, so take some time to identify yours and celebrate them.

  • Surround yourself with positive people.

The people you spend time with have a big impact on your self-image, so make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who lift you up.

  • Seek professional help if you need it.

If you are struggling to improve your self-image on your own, don't be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to identify the root of your negative self-image and develop strategies for overcoming it.

There are many different coping strategies that can help you manage your emotions more effectively. Some common examples include:

  • Expressing your emotions:

Find healthy ways to express how you feel, such as talking to a trusted friend, writing in a journal, or engaging in creative activities like painting or dancing.

  • Taking a time-out:

Sometimes, taking a break from the situation can help you calm down and regain perspective. This could involve going for a walk, practicing deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a calming activity like reading or listening to music.

  • Reframing your thoughts:

Try to look at the situation from a different perspective. Ask yourself if there are any positive aspects or lessons you can learn from it. This can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed by negative emotions.

  • Accepting Yourself.

Self-acceptance is the ability to love and appreciate yourself for who you are, flaws and all.

Learning to accept yourself is an essential part of developing a positive self-image and maintaining good mental health.

There are several strategies you can use to practice self-acceptance:

  • Acknowledge and validate your feelings:

Recognize that it's normal to feel the way you do and allow yourself to experience those emotions without judgment.

  • Celebrate your strengths:

Make a list of your positive traits and accomplishments, and remind yourself of them regularly.

  •  Accept the things you cannot change:

Focus on the aspects of yourself that you can't change, such as your physical appearance or past experiences, and learn to accept them as part of who you are.

  • Practice self-compassion:

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding when you make mistakes or experience setbacks. This can help you develop a more positive self-image and reduce feelings of self-criticism.

It is important to dwell on our positive attributes because it helps us build self-esteem, resilience and a strong sense of identity. Here are some reasons why:

  • It allows us to focus on what is most important to us personally.

  • It encourages us to celebrate and be proud of our unique qualities and accomplishments.

  • It helps us recognize how to use our positive traits to achieve our goals.

Reflecting on our positive traits helps us better understand who we are and what makes us unique. This knowledge can then be used to build self-confidence, resilience and stronger self-esteem. Here are some ways to think about your positive traits:

  • Make a list of things you like about yourself.

Thinking about our positive attributes helps us better understand who we are and what makes us unique. This knowledge can then be used to build self-confidence, resilience and stronger self-esteem. Here are some ways to reflect on your positive attributes:

  • Write a letter to yourself naming your positive traits.

  • Ask friends and family for feedback on your strengths.

Think about your goals and aspirations. How can you use your positive traits to achieve them?


Thinking about our positive characteristics is an important part of our personal growth and development.

Being proud of yourself is important because it helps you build self-confidence, resilience and a positive self-image. Here are some reasons why:

  • It reminds you of your accomplishments and strengths. 

  • It encourages you to focus on your personal growth and development.

  • It motivates you to keep striving toward your goals.

  • It can inspire others and create a positive ripple effect in your community.

Here's an exercise to help you identify triggers for negative self-image:

  • Take a sheet of paper and divide it into ten lines.

  • In the first row, write "100" on the left side and "Very Strong Negative Feeling" on the right side.

  • In the second row, write "90" on the left side and "Slightly less intense negative feeling" on the right side.

  • Continue to fill in the remaining rows, with decreasing numbers on the left and less intense negative feelings on the right.

  • Now start brainstorming events and situations that trigger negative feelings for you. Write them down in the appropriate rows according to the strength of the negative feeling.

  • Be as specific as possible, but try to include more general situations. For example, a specific event might be 'getting negative feedback from my boss', while a more general situation might be 'being in a group of strangers'.

  • Keep the list somewhere handy and add to it as needed.

  • When you experience a negative feeling, refer to the list to identify the trigger and see if you can think of ways to address or cope with the situation.

Remember that this exercise is not about dwelling on negative feelings, but about identifying triggers and finding ways to deal with them. It can be a helpful tool in developing a more positive self-image and improving your overall wellbeing.

Fill in your list with triggers, it can be that you cant fill in every score or situation, this is not a problem.

List with triggers:

  • 100


  • 90

When there is a argument.

  • 80

If i lie      

  • 70

If i use drugs.

  • 60

If my house is a mess.

  • 50

When i miss appointments.

  • 40


  • 30


  • 20


  • 10


Step Six:

Developing Resilience to Negative Thoughts

The next step is to neutralize these negative influences and give yourself a more positive self-image. Before you proceed, it is important to remember the following tips:

  • Accept your feelings and thoughts as they are, without criticizing or ignoring them.

  • Focus on countering the negative thoughts with positive self-talk and exercises to improve your self-confidence.

  • Take time to acknowledge your positive sides and accomplishments, as this helps improve your self-image.

  • Stay open to change and growth, and accept that you can't always rise above it.

  • Be kind to yourself and realize that self-improvement is a long-term process that requires time and effort.

In this next step, we will work on strengthening your positive self-image using visualization, self-talk, posture, and anchoring techniques. Once you have established a positive feeling, we will think of a situation that typically makes you feel negative. During this process, you will maintain the same posture and use your positive qualities to distance yourself from your negative self-image.

In this exercise, you can use your list of triggers, which might include:

  • Making a mistake

  • Being laughed at

  • Seeking attention

  • Meeting attractive people

  • Interacting with difficult people

Triggers can also be specific thoughts, feelings, or memories.

This exercise is designed to prevent your negative feelings from overwhelming your positive self-image. It may be challenging at first, but practice and repeat the process to strengthen yourself.

There may also be situations where you have made a real mistake and it is understandable to feel self-doubt or regret. In these cases, the exercise is about recognizing that the mistake does not define your self-image. A helpful thought might be "I made a mistake, but I am still competent in my work."

Over the next few weeks, you will practice Step 6. Start by reminding yourself of your positive feeling through visualization, self-talk, posture, facial expression, and anchoring techniques. Then try to recall one of your triggers that typically produces a negative feeling, while reminding yourself of your positive qualities.

Here are some additional tips for this exercise:

  • Be specific. When you think of a trigger, be as specific as possible. What was the situation? What were you thinking and feeling?

  • Be present. When you recall the trigger, try to bring yourself back to the present moment. Pay attention to your breathing and your body sensations.

  • Be compassionate. If you start to feel negative emotions, be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that you are human and that everyone makes mistakes.

  • Be patient. This exercise takes time and practice. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

With consistent practice, you will become more immune to your negative triggers. You will be able to maintain a positive self-image even in difficult situations.

Logbook for making sensible positive selfimage/opposite theme:

  • What time?

-       09:25   





  • Where?

-  At work 





  • Done?

-    yes           





  • How did it go?

-   I hardly have something negative to think about, that calls a negative feeling. But i feel positive now.





Step Seven:

Countering Negative Thoughts with Positive Self-Image

The final step of the self-image improvement process involves learning how to counter negative thoughts with a positive self-image. By doing this, individuals can maintain a positive outlook even when faced with negative triggers.

This is crucial for building self-esteem and confidence, as well as achieving personal goals.

Here are some key points to remember when countering negative thoughts with a positive self-image:

  • Identify the negative thought:

First, recognize the specific thought or situation that is triggering negative feelings.

  • Create a positive image:

Visualize or remember a time when you felt confident and capable. This can be a past experience or a future goal you are working towards.

  • Use positive self-talk:

Tell yourself affirmations such as "I am capable," "I am worthy," or "I can do this."

  • Adopt a confident posture:

Stand or sit up straight, with your shoulders back and your head held high. This will help you feel more confident and in control.

  • Use an anchor:

Associate a word, phrase, or physical gesture with positive feelings. This can help you stay in a positive state of mind.

  • Practice regularly:

As with any skill, regular practice is key. Make an effort to counter negative thoughts with positive self-image several times a day.

  • Apply it to real-life situations:

As you become more comfortable with the technique, start using it in various situations where you may typically experience negative self-talk.

We have reached the final step in our work on improving your self-image. In the previous exercises, you have learned how to prevent negative thoughts from taking hold by first thinking of a positive feeling and then thinking of a situation that typically causes you to feel negative. You have used visualization, self-talk, posture, and anchoring techniques to counteract the negative feelings.

In this step, we will reverse this approach. We will start by recalling a negative feeling and then move on to a positive self-image. This will help you to learn how to deal with negative thoughts when they do occur.

To do this, you will need to imagine a situation that makes you feel sad about yourself. You can create this feeling by pretending to be in a difficult situation, using negative self-talk, and adopting an insecure posture.

Once the negative feelings are present, you will then switch to a positive self-image. You can do this by thinking of a positive situation, adopting a confident body language, using positive self-talk, or using your anchor.

All of the techniques from the previous chapters will be used to help you feel and maintain positive feelings. These skills are designed to be used not only in the home, but also in everyday life in various situations where you may be thinking negatively about yourself.

For example, you might imagine yourself giving a presentation at work and feeling nervous. You could then use the techniques you have learned to switch to a positive self-image of yourself giving a confident and engaging presentation.

When using these techniques in real-life situations, especially outside the home, you may need to make some adjustments. For example, you may not be able to adopt a confident posture when shopping or play music as an anchor during a conversation. In these cases, it is important to maintain a strong but subtle posture.

Over the next few weeks, you will practice Step Seven, first by thinking of a negative feeling and then by countering it with a positive self-image. You will also start to use these skills in real-life situations.

It is helpful to plan these exercises in advance, otherwise it is easy to forget to do them. It does not have to be a long process, just try to do it a few times a day.

Here are some additional tips for countering negative thoughts with positive self-image:

  • Be specific about the negative thoughts you want to address. What are the exact thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself?

  • Find a positive image of yourself that you can visualize. This could be a memory of a time when you felt confident and capable, or it could be a visualization of yourself achieving a goal that you are working towards.

  • Use positive self-talk to reinforce the positive image of yourself. Tell yourself things like "I am capable," "I am worthy," and "I can do this."

  • Adopt a confident posture. This will help you to feel more confident and in control.

  • Use an anchor to help you stay in a positive state. This could be a word, a phrase, or a physical gesture that you associate with positive feelings.

With practice, you will be able to use these techniques to quickly and effectively counter negative thoughts with positive self-image. This will help you to improve your self-esteem and confidence, and it will make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Logbook for feeling positive, and negative theme:

  • What time?






  • Where?

At work 





  • Done?






  • How did it go?

-  Now ive used the list with triggers to remember certain situations, that worked fine. 






The four chapters we have discussed have provided a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in improving one's self-image. The chapters have covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Identifying negative self-talk and how to challenge it

  • Using visualization and positive self-affirmations to build a more positive self-image

  • Adopting a confident posture and body language

  • Using anchoring techniques to tap into positive emotions

  • Dealing with negative triggers and challenging negative thoughts

The chapters have also provided practical exercises and tips for putting these techniques into practice. These exercises can be used on a daily basis to help you improve your self-image and build a more positive outlook on life.

It is important to remember that this journey is an ongoing process of learning and growth. There will be times when you slip back into old patterns of negative thinking. However, if you continue to practice the techniques you have learned, you will eventually start to see lasting positive change.

Here are some additional tips for evaluating your progress:

  • Be specific. When you are evaluating your progress, be specific about what you have achieved. For example, you might say "I have been able to challenge negative self-talk more effectively" or "I have been able to maintain a more confident posture in social situations."

  • Be patient. It takes time and effort to see lasting positive change. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep practicing the techniques you have learned and you will eventually start to see progress.

  • Be kind to yourself. Everyone has setbacks along the way. If you have a setback, don't beat yourself up about it. Just pick yourself up and keep going.

I hope this evaluation is helpful. Remember, the journey to a positive self-image is an ongoing process, but with consistent practice, you can achieve lasting positive change.

Now let's take a moment to reflect on what you've learned and consider how to move forward. Here are some questions to help you in this process:

  • What have been the most powerful insights or techniques you've gained from our self-image improvement discussions?


  • How have you applied these insights or techniques in your daily life? What results have you seen?

By living more in the moment, i enjoy more.

  • Are there any challenges or obstacles you've encountered along the way? How did you deal with or overcome them?

Yeah, a little bit in my social life, but i kept hope and determination.

  • In which aspects of your self-image have you made the most progress? How have you celebrated and recognised these achievements?

A more positive selfimage, and im bothered less by things from my past.

  • Are there other qualities or areas of your life where you'd like to apply the skills and strategies we've discussed to further improve your self-image?

Yeah, discovering new music.

  • What have you learnt about yourself in this process of improving your self-image? What new insights have you gained?

That im using self-talk for a while now.

  • What steps have you taken to make your self-image more balanced and positive? What has worked best for you?

Working on my blog, and the help from AI.

  • How have you integrated the exercises and techniques into your daily life? What has been the impact on your self-image and self-confidence?

By seeing something positive everyday, it makes me more happy.

  • What challenges have you encountered in this process and how have you dealt with them? What did you learn from these challenges?

That my body-posture sometimes is a bit insecure, but it doesnt bother me.

  • What are your goals and plans for the future to further improve your self-image? What steps will you take to achieve this?

Working on my blog to keep it online.

  • My goal before starting this training was: 

Getting stronger in certain situations.

  • What helped you the most during the exercises?

Becoming aware and the tools.

  • What is going well?

 Applying imagining and selftalk.

  • What is something to practise?

Discipline with doing my homework.

  • How are you going to use the skills in daily life?

Keep trying to see the positive things in life.

Below are some questions you can ask about yourself to help you see your strengths. Ask yourself the questions and write down the answers carefully.

  • What do you like about your personality?

  • Why do other people believe in you?

  • What skills do you have?

  • Why do people like you?

  • Why should someone love you?

  • Why do you have to worry about yourself?

  • How have you been for yourself during difficult times?

  • Why are you proud of yourself?

  • What experiences have you had that make you happy?

  • How are you in your career or studies?

It is important to treat yourself with love and care every day.

  • Start each day by writing one positive thing about yourself.

Remember to do this before you climb out of bed, before you do anything else or are anyone else.

It is important to intentionally set aside time for reflection and to write down your insights as you consider these questions. This practice can help you consolidate the lessons you have learned and to create a clear plan for your future self-improvement. Looking back on your progress and experiences can be a powerful tool for reinforcing positive changes and identifying areas that may need more attention.

As you begin this ongoing journey of self-improvement, remember that it is valuable to regularly look back and assess your growth. Celebrate your successes, recognize your achievements, and identify areas where you can continue to develop. Realize that self-improvement is an ongoing process that requires dedication, self-awareness, and patience with yourself.

We wish you success on your journey to a more positive self-image and more self-confidence. Remember to be kind to yourself, celebrate your progress, and keep striving for personal growth. You have the power to shape your self-image and live a more fulfilling life. Keep going!

Here are some additional tips for reflection:

  • Choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

  • Take a piece of paper and a pen.

  • Ask yourself the questions mentioned in the text.

  • Take the time to reflect on your answers.

  • Write down your insights.

  • Repeat this exercise regularly.

Reflection is a powerful way to learn more about yourself and to grow. By regularly looking back on your progress and experiences, you can hold on to your growth and identify new areas of development.

Now it comes down to implementing! First, complete the steps and get the help you need from others.

These suggestions can help you change your negative mindset and focus on your strengths and abilities.

Start with small steps and gradually increase the impact of these changes on your life. Go ahead and be patient with yourself, because embracing a positive self-image is not a race, but a process that requires time and attention.


It is important to reflect on our positive attributes for several reasons:

  • Personal growth and development:

When we realize our positive qualities and character traits, we can delve deeper into these sides of ourselves, thus increasing our self-confidence and carefree attitude.

  • Better understanding of ourselves:

By recognizing our strengths, we get to know ourselves better and can better define our priorities and goals.

  • Personal connection:

When we share our positive traits with others, we can create more empathy and cooperation, making our relationships stronger.

  • Professional development:

In real life, we can use our strengths to achieve better performance and promotions.

  • Psychological well-being:

A sense of self-worth and positivity is essential to our mental health and happiness.

There are several ways to identify our positive qualities, such as:

  • Making lists:

Write a list of things you love about yourself or strengths you think you have.

  • Stage feedback:

Ask family, friends or colleagues to give feedback on your strengths.

  • Reflection and self-examination:

Reflect on moments you were proud of and how you achieved them.

  • Goals and dreams:

Reflect on your goals and dreams and how you can use your strengths to achieve them.

  • Experiment and learn:

Try new things and discover new sides of yourself by experimenting and teach yourself new skills.

  • Reflect on the past:

Think about old successes, experiences and compliments you have received. These memories can help convince yourself of your own appreciation. - Certain things or people you encounter may also be inspired by your positive qualities and how you act. These reactions can help you realize how much you are worth. 

  • What are the most important things you learned from these chapters?

  • Which techniques do you think will be most helpful for you to improve your self-image?

  • How can you incorporate these techniques into your daily routine?

  • What are your specific goals for improving your self-image?

  • What challenges or obstacles do you foresee in achieving these goals?

  • What support or resources do you need to overcome these challenges?

  • How will you measure your progress towards these goals?

  • What will you do if you experience a setback or struggle along the way?

  • How will you celebrate your successes and accomplishments?

  • How will you maintain a positive self-image over the long term?

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