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Personal Vision

Pathways to Recovery, chapter 5, 'Personal Vision'.

The chapter provides tips on how to create a personal vision, from reflecting on your values and passions to visualizing your ideal future and writing down your vision. Finally, it stresses the importance of sharing your vision with others for support and accountability.

Beginning a new adventure, whether personal or professional, requires more than just taking the first step. It requires a plan, a roadmap, to guide you to your desired destination. This roadmap is often referred to as a personal vision, a clear picture of what you want to achieve and who you want to become. A personal vision is not only a lofty goal, but also a powerful tool to help you break free from the past and move toward a better future.

In this chapter, we will explore the importance of having and creating a personal vision and how it can shape your path to success and fulfillment.

  • What is a personal vision?

A personal vision is a clear picture of who you want to be and what you want to achieve in your life. It is a compass that helps you set your course and keep you on track. A personal vision is not something you come up with one day and then never change. It is a living document that you can continually develop as you grow and change.

  • Why is a personal vision important?

A personal vision is important because it will:

  • Helps formulate your goals
  • Gives you direction and focus
  • Motivates you to keep going when the going gets tough

  • Helps you recognize and seize opportunities
  • Makes your life more meaningful and fulfilling

  • How do you create a personal vision?

Here are some tips for creating a personal vision:

  • Take time to reflect on your values, passions and goals.

  • Visualize your ideal future. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to live?

  • Write down your vision. This will help you keep your vision clear in your mind.

  • Share your vision with others. This can help you stay motivated and gain support from others.

Having a vision for the future is the first step to making it a reality.

Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, you can begin to take concrete steps to reach your goals. A personal vision is a powerful tool that can help you get your life on track and achieve your goals.

Having a clear vision for your future can be incredibly motivating and help you stay focused on your goals. It's also important to remember that your vision can and should evolve over time as you grow and change.

This exercise provides a structured approach to defining your life goals and creating a plan for achieving them. It encourages you to reflect on your values, define specific goals, develop a strategic plan, and surround yourself with support.

Your vision for recovery should be based on your values and beliefs. Our values and beliefs shape our perspective on the world and ourselves, and are influenced by the norms and values we were brought up with. We often view the world and our goals through this lens of values and beliefs, even if we are open to other perspectives.

When creating your personal vision for recovery, it's important to clarify which values and beliefs are most important to you. This will guide you as you work towards your goals. For many people, the first step in this process is to identify their core values and beliefs. Knowing what these are can help us make decisions and take actions that are consistent with them.

  • Note first a few values that really mean something for you:

Dont lie.

Dont steal.

Love my family.

You are a unique person with a strong mind and a strong body. The future you want should be based on your strengths, your past experiences and should be an expression of who you are. Your vision should be as unique as you are.

  • Note a few unique things of yourself:

I have a nice tattoo.

I have a strong body.

I have a strong soul.

I know how to accept help.

I have a good bond with my family.

Your personal vision should represent what you want, not what someone else thinks is best. It can be helpful to ask someone else for ideas, but a vision should be about what you want and what you see as ideal for the future.

  • In a month I want:

Not smoke every day.

  • In about a year I want:

To save up some money.

It's important to have a clear and specific vision for your recovery, rather than a collection of vague ideas or abstract concepts. You should be able to imagine your ideal future and see yourself in it before you start taking action. Writing down your vision can help to clarify it and make it more concrete. If you are committed to your recovery journey, having a vision that you can identify with can be very helpful. It will give you direction and motivation as you work towards your goals.

  • Write down one thing you really want:

Handle my psychotic sensitivity better.

While your personal vision of recovery should be stable, the path to achieving it may not always be straightforward. Other people's experiences have shown that the road to recovery can often be unpredictable, with unexpected twists and turns. It's important to be open to these changes and to adapt your plan as necessary.

  • What should happen before you can open up for the mystery and new adventures?

I should have structure.

I should have saved up some money.

I should be more independent.

Defining and shaping your vision for recovery helps you take control of your future and create a new reality for yourself. The process of making choices and decisions about your future builds confidence and self-esteem. It empowers you and gives you strength.

To achieve your vision you must be prepared to put in the work and effort. It's not always easy, but it's worth it to realise your personal vision of recovery.

The exercise also emphasizes the importance of staying motivated, flexible, and adaptable in the face of challenges. By following these steps, you can make progress towards achieving your personal vision and living a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Turning your personal vision into reality requires dedication and hard work. It's important to maintain your belief in your vision and in yourself. Keep working towards your vision with unwavering faith in your ability to achieve it.

The following exercise can help you clarify your life goals and identify the essential elements of your personal vision. It will enable you to focus on your goals and make progress towards achieving them.

  • Reflect on your values:

Start by reflecting on your core values, the principles and beliefs that are most important to you. Consider how your personal vision aligns with these values and how it can contribute to your overall sense of purpose and fulfilment.

  • Define your goals:

Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals that align with your personal vision. What do you want to achieve? Be specific, measurable and realistic. Write them down and review them regularly to stay focused and motivated.

  • Create a plan:

Develop a strategic plan for achieving your goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps and outline the actions you need to take to make progress. Consider any obstacles or challenges that may arise and develop strategies to overcome them.

  • Take action:

Start taking action towards your goals. Take consistent steps and make progress every day, even if it is small. Stay committed and disciplined and be willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve your personal vision.

  • Stay flexible:

Be open to change and willing to adjust your plan as needed. Life is unpredictable and circumstances may change along the way. Stay flexible and adaptable and be prepared to revise your plan as necessary.

  • Surround yourself with support:

Surround yourself with people who support your personal vision and can provide encouragement, motivation and guidance along the way. Seek out mentors, coaches or like-minded individuals who can offer advice and support when needed.

  • Stay motivated:

Stay motivated by keeping your vision in mind and visualising yourself achieving it. Celebrate your progress and milestones along the way. Remind yourself of the benefits and positive impact your personal vision will have on your life and those around you.

Remember that achieving your personal vision requires persistence, dedication and resilience. It may not always be easy, but with determination and effort you can make significant progress towards achieving your personal vision and living a fulfilling life.

Make a list of the things you want or would like to achieve. After each thing, write down why you want it. Keep asking these questions and writing down the answers until you can think of no more reasons.

  •  I want:

Manage my psychotic sensitivity better.
Stop smoking.
Keep my house tidy.
Do what I say I will do.
No more socially desirable responses.

  • Why I want it:

It is better for me, my environment and my family.
Because I am addicted.
It costs a lot of money.
I get out of shape.
Less stress.
Things are easier to find.
Can meet other people better.
Less stress.
Stay in touch with important information.
Less stress.
Keep in touch with myself.
No more need to lie.


Next are a few questions to write about your vision and to make it clearer. If you want to deepen out the questions, you can ask your self; why?

  • Why do I want to change anyway?

Because i lived more then half of my life abnormally.

  • What would happen if I dont change?

I can get schizophrenia

  • How would the future look like if you were totally in control?

I would grow a decent age in the house i live in currently.

  • How would you ideal living environment look like?

Like now, maybe with a partner

  • Who are part of your ideal living environment, and whats their role?

My family, social workers, fellow patients. Just to keep each other stable and occupied.

  • What do I want to proof myself? And why do I want it?

That i can cope with desires, and that im stronger then it.

  • What do I want to proof others? Why do I want it?

That i can change, and that im stronger then my addiction.

Setting goals is important because it helps you achieve what you want in life and achieve the results you want. While everyone's long-term goals are different, it's important to make sure they are in line with your strong vision and are clearly defined. Vague or overly ambitious goals often don't work and won't help you on your recovery journey.

You've already taken a big step by defining your personal vision of recovery and identifying your journey goals. The next step is to clarify the steps necessary to reach your desired future. Without a clear destination in mind, you may end up somewhere you don't want to be. It's important to choose a specific goal and plan the steps to get there.

To make our dreams a reality, we can set goals to guide us along the way. Long-term goals are specific actions that we can take within three to six months to move closer to our vision. It is important to consider what it will take to achieve our long-term goals and dreams and to prioritise the most important ones. By focusing on a few specific goals at a time, we can increase our chances of success. Some dreams may be clear and easy to translate into specific goals, while others may require more thought and perspective to determine appropriate long-term goals. Remember that it can be overwhelming and confusing to work on several long-term goals at once, so it is important to focus on a few at a time.

Setting realistic and ambitious goals is essential to achieving your goal. Use concrete language to describe your goal and give yourself a specific time frame to achieve it.

A good way to check if your goals are realistic and ambitious enough is to compare them to your current situation and skills.

Now, think about other areas of your life where you'd like to make progress or achieve specific outcomes. These could be personal, professional, financial, health-related, or even related to hobbies and interests.

This exercise emphasizes the importance of setting achievable, specific, and time-bound short-term goals as part of a larger plan to achieve long-term success.

 It provides helpful tips for formulating positive and meaningful goals, measuring progress, and staying motivated. The additional insights encourage flexibility, focus on smaller steps, and seeking support when needed. By following these guidelines, you can create a well-rounded strategy for achieving your personal vision and living a more fulfilling life.

If you have a long-term goal, it is important to break it down into smaller, more manageable goals. These short-term goals, also called action items, give you a sense of progress and can help you stay motivated.

The five key points for successful short-term goals are:

  • Positive wording

Formulate your goals in a positive way. Instead of saying "I don't want to fret anymore," say "I want to feel more relaxed." This gives you a clearer goal and helps you focus on the positive.

  • Greater chance of success

Make sure your goals are achievable. If you set a goal that is too ambitious, chances are you will get frustrated and give up. Start with small, incremental goals that you can achieve.

  • Specific, small and time-bound

Make sure your goals are specific, small and time-bound. This helps you visualize your goal and focus on achieving it. For example, a specific goal is "I want to lose 5 pounds within a week." A small goal is, for example, "I want to take 10,000 steps today." A time-bound goal is, for example, "I want to find a new job within a month."

  • Measurable and visible

Make sure your goals are measurable and visible. This will help you track your progress and assess whether you are on the right track. For example, a measurable goal is "I want to reduce my stress level by 10%." A visible goal is, for example, "I want to start a new course."

  • Understandable and meaningful

Make sure your goals are understandable and meaningful to you. This will help you stay motivated and committed to achieving your goal. For example, an understandable goal is "I want to learn to manage my emotions better." A meaningful goal is, for example, "I want to do my part for a better world."

In addition to the five key points for successful short-term goals, I'd like to share some additional insights with you.

  • Be flexible

Things change, so be prepared to adjust your goals as needed. If you find that a goal is too difficult or too easy, adjust it.

  • Don't forget the little things

Small steps are also important. They can help you build momentum and get you started toward your long-term goal.

  • Ask for help

If you find it difficult to achieve your goals, ask for help from someone you trust. A friend, family member, therapist or coach can help you flesh out your goals and motivate you to achieve them.

These questions can help you make an initial list of your strengths.

Have in mind that your list will always be achievable because your strengths and qualities will be able to develop and change over time.

Stay vigilant about it and take time often to reflect on your strengths and how you can use them to grow, learn and enjoy life.

To set reasonable long-term goals, it is important to break down your vision into manageable chunks. This can help you better understand your goals and create a realistic plan to achieve them. Here are some questions you can answer to help break down your vision and set reasonable long-term goals:

  • What do I want to achieve in the long run?

Think about what you want to achieve in the long term and why it is important to you. Is it better health, greater financial stability, personal growth or something else?

  • What are my core values and beliefs?

Think about your core values and beliefs. What is important to you in life and what do you stand for? This can help you set goals that are in line with your personal values and beliefs.

  • What are the main obstacles I need to overcome to achieve my goals?

Identify the main obstacles you need to overcome to achieve your goals. These may be external factors, such as financial constraints or lack of time, or internal factors, such as fear or lack of motivation.

  • What are the first steps I can take to achieve my goals?

Think about the first steps you can take to achieve your goals. These may be small changes in your daily routine or larger steps that require more time and effort.

  • What resources and support will I need to achieve my goals?

Think about the resources and support you need to achieve your goals. This can range from financial resources to emotional support from friends and family.

Answering these questions will give you a better understanding of your long-term goals and how to achieve them. Remember that setting realistic goals and taking small steps in the right direction can lead to significant changes in the long term.

  • Note a few directions you could go to make your vision come true:

Keep using my medication.

Keep accepting help.

Stay in contact with people.

  • From all perspectives how you can approach your vision, pick one:

Keep accepting help.

  • Think about the direction youve choosen, is it something that appeal to you? And is it something you really want to do? Can you realise it within three to six months?

Yes, ive been working on my social skills already, and i need my medication. So now the direction is to keep working on finding peace and rest with accepting help. Im already working on it.

  • Note here your long term goal:

Handle my psychotic sensitivity better.

Writing down your long-term goal and putting it in a visible place will help you remember it every day and stay motivated to work towards it. This will also help you to stay focused and on track. It is important to review your long-term goal regularly and assess your progress towards achieving it. This will help you make any necessary adjustments and stay committed to your recovery journey. Remember that this is an ongoing process and you may face challenges along the way, but having a clear and defined goal can help you stay motivated and committed to achieving it.

  • Which method are you going to use to keep in touch with your long term goal?

Stay in contact with the people who are helping me throughout the time.

Long-term goals can be difficult for some people to grasp, as we often want to see immediate results when we put time and effort into something. But it's important to remember that recovery from mental health problems is a process that takes time, effort and many small steps. To achieve your long-term goal, it's important to have a well-prepared action plan that includes short-term goals or action points. This will help you take small steps towards your long-term goal and eventually reach it.

  • Make your goals specific and measurable.

Instead of saying you want to be healthier, set a specific goal like losing ten pounds. 

  • Set both short-term and long-term goals.

Short-term goals help keep you motivated and provide a sense of accomplishment, while long-term goals give you something to work towards.

  • Be prepared to adjust your goals.

As you grow and change, your goals may need to adapt as well.

  • Identify the first step.

Often, the hardest part of achieving a long-term goal is figuring out where to start. By breaking down your goal into smaller actions, you can make it less overwhelming and more approachable.

  • Break it down into smaller chunks.

Once you've identified the first step, keep breaking it down into smaller actions until you reach a level that feels manageable. This could involve setting weekly or monthly milestones to track your progress.

  • Use a timeline.

Creating a timeline can help you visualize when you want to achieve each smaller goal. This can be especially helpful for goals with a specific deadline or for those that require consistent progress over time.

  •  Make your steps incremental.

Incremental steps are small changes or actions that you can take towards your goal. By making your steps incremental, you'll be more likely to see progress and experience a sense of accomplishment along the way.

Bring together your long-term and short-term goals.

It is important to be as specific as possible about your long-term goal so that you know what you want to achieve and how you are going to do it. You can do this by writing down a clear description of the goal and setting a deadline.

But writing down a long-term goal is only the first step. It is also important to set short-term goals that will help you achieve your long-term goal. These short-term goals should be achievable and concrete so that you know what you need to do to make progress.

A useful way to formulate short-term goals is to use the SMART principle. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. By setting your goals according to these five criteria, you will make it easier for yourself to achieve them.

When setting your goals, think about the actions you need to take to achieve them. What are the concrete steps you need to take to achieve your goals? Write them down and divide them over the time you have until the deadline for your long-term goal.

Setting goals and working towards them can be challenging, but it is an important part of personal growth and development. By setting goals and working towards them, you can gain more control over your life and challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself.

  • First note your long term goal

Handle my psychotic sensitivity better.

  • Now write down five short term goals that help you achieve this long term goal

Keep accepting help.

Keep in contact with people.

Keep working with my medication.

Less usage of stimulants.

Keep my sleeping rhythm.

Remember that your personal vision is a living document that you can continually develop as you grow and change. Don't be afraid to revisit it and adjust it as necessary. Also remember that taking small, consistent steps toward your goals is the key to progress.

It is important to remember that progress is not always linear and there may be setbacks. But with dedication and resilience, you can make great strides toward achieving your vision.

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