Blog Post

Winning of Addiction

Chapter 1. Benefits and Downsides.

Using substances or gambling can be seen as a form of reward, which can lead to the development of unconscious habits. When we experience a sense of reward when using substances or gambling, it can create an urge to repeat the behavior more often. This attachment to pleasurable rewards can be referred to as "pleasure''.

However, the negative consequences of substance use or gambling, such as increased conflict or irritability, often do not become apparent until later. The immediate relief or benefits of the rewards can be addictive and make it difficult to acknowledge and address the potential negative consequences. It is important to realize that the temporary pleasure that comes from these behaviors can mask the long-term risks and impact on our well-being. Taking a closer look at the underlying motivations and understanding the potential negative consequences can be crucial in making informed choices and seeking support for healthier habits.

Here are some examples of the positive and negative consequences of substance use or gambling:

Positive consequences

  • Temporary relief from stress or anxiety

  • Increased feelings of pleasure or euphoria

  • Reduced feelings of pain

  • Increased sense of self-confidence or self-esteem

  • Enhanced social contacts

  • Increased creativity or productivity

Negative consequences

  • Addiction

  • Financial problems

  • Relationship problems

  • Health problems

  • Legal problems

  • Social exclusion

  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

It is important to remember that substance use or gambling is a risky activity that can have both positive and negative consequences. If you are struggling with addiction or another mental difficulty, it is important to seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you on the road to recovery.

The Benefits

When evaluating your habits, it is important to understand the benefits you derive from them. By doing so, you can gain valuable insight into your motivations for these behaviours.

It is human nature to learn and repeat behaviours that are rewarded, even if the rewards are intermittent. Without benefits, we would not engage in activities such as drinking, gambling or drug use.

However, the benefits associated with these behaviours, such as short-term relief from stress or anxiety, can be quite tempting. These benefits can be seen as rewards for engaging in the behaviour, and over time they can become ingrained habits that are difficult to break.

To gain a better understanding of your own motivations, it may be helpful to make a list of potential benefits associated with substance use or gambling. Consider any positive effects you experience from engaging in these behaviours, and note any additional benefits that are personally relevant to you.

It is important to remember that while the benefits of these behaviours may be appealing in the short term, they can have serious long-term consequences. Substance abuse and problem gambling can lead to physical and mental health problems, financial difficulties and strained relationships with loved ones.

Reflecting on the benefits of these behaviours is an important step in understanding their underlying motivations. By recognising the potential risks and benefits, you can make informed decisions about whether these habits are worth continuing and begin to take steps towards creating healthier, more fulfilling habits.


I can relax better

I feel more comfortable

I feel less anxious

Feel less sad

   Less bored

Sleep better

   I am more creative

Less bothered by shakes or nausea

I feel less pain in my body

Less emotional pain

I have more energy

   It tastes good

Less worry

Increased happiness

Less annoying memories

I belong more

I feel stronger

I like myself more

I am less bothered by an upsetting event

I get on better with people

I make love better and easier

I have more courage

I am easier to make contact with

   I feel better

It comforts me

I feel less urge to hurt myself

I dare more

   I feel less hungry

I drive better

I worry less about things

I have fewer thoughts of suicide

   I feel less lonely

Getting less upset about things

I am less bothered by voices in my head

Use makes it more comfortable

I dare to say what I think

People like me more when I use

I feel more attractive when I use

I can express myself more emotionally

The hangover goes away quicker/the dull feeling goes away quicker

   It gives me satisfaction after something difficult

I don't think the world is as bad as it is when I use or gamble.

   The music or film is better when I use

I can put things into perspective

I am less bothered by symptoms of illness

   I am at peace with myself when I use

I feel less insecure

   I feel powerful

The Downsides

It can be relatively easy to recognise the negative consequences of substance use or gambling, such as hangovers, feelings of inadequacy and potential health risks. However, the positive effects of these behaviours are often immediate and short-term, while the negative consequences may not manifest themselves until later in the long-term.

The immediate rewards of substance use or gambling can be difficult to resist, and this is where the risk of addiction lies. It is important to be aware of what drives you to engage in these behaviours, whether it is a habit developed to help you sleep, cope with anxiety or relieve pain.

If you want to reduce or stop using or gambling, it is important to find alternative ways of dealing with these feelings and needs. It may not be easy at first, but developing healthier coping mechanisms can have long-term benefits.

Making a list of the negative effects of addiction is an important step in recognising the impact of these behaviours on your life. Consider the physical, mental and social consequences of your addiction and how it has affected your personal and professional relationships.

It is also important to recognise that the negative effects of addiction can be far-reaching and affect many areas of your life. These can include financial instability, legal problems and damaged self-esteem.

In addition to making a list of negative effects, it may also be helpful to consider the underlying causes of your addiction. By understanding these causes, you can begin to address them and work towards a lasting recovery.

Remember that recovery is a journey that requires effort and dedication, but it is also a path to a healthier, more fulfilling life. With support and determination, it is possible to overcome addiction and find a better future.


   Use/gambling costs a lot of money

I am financially stuck because of gambling or using drugs

Bad for my health

   I have (more) problems with my body

I have less stamina

I have less energy

   I have more arguments

It is hard to get started in the morning

I cannot remember things in the morning

Things are not going well at school

   Things are not going well at work

I have problems at work because of using/ gambling

   I feel dependent on my stimulant

Losing friends and family

I have problems at home because of gambling/drugs

Sex is not going well, I am less virile

   I have trouble concentrating

   I keep forgetting things

I have trouble sleeping

I feel more depressed

I feel guilty

I feel ashamed

I go out less

   I eat less well

   I become indifferent

I am a danger on the road

I feel like a 'loser'

I do not feel like having sex

   I do not take care of myself

   I smell like alcohol

I get angry quicker when I use

I get more aggressive when I use

I get more irritable when I use

I sometimes feel sorry for things I have said or done

My friends criticise me when I use or gamble

My family criticises me when I use or gamble

   I take less care of my home

   I see people less

   I have conflicts with my beliefs

   Hear voices

   Seeing things/people that are not there

   Tasting things that are not real

   Feeling things that are not real

   I smell things that are not real

   I feel afraid when

   Getting in trouble with the law

   I worry a lot

   I feel mood swings

I cannot relax because of using / gambling

Top 3 benefits and downsides

It's possible that some of the items in the previous lists resonate with you. I have identified my personal advantages and disadvantages of using drugs or gambling. In the next exercise, I will identify my top three pros and cons.

Choose the ones that are most relevant to you and put them at the top.


  1. Im bored less
  2. I feel better
  3. The music is nicer


  1. It cost a lot of money
  2. I become indifferent
  3. Its bad for my mental health

Now that we have looked at the pros and cons, you can think about what you want to do about your substance use or gambling. Your top three list should give you an idea of what is most important to you. How can you feel good without relying on substance use or gambling? What will you gain by reducing or stopping?

Changing unconscious behaviour also requires awareness and a willingness to do things differently. This new behaviour can be practised and eventually become natural. What may have seemed strange at first can become normal with time and repetition.

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