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Mindfulness, also known as 'mindful attention', is a powerful technique that can enhance your ability to be present in the moment. In today's fast-paced world, where we are often overwhelmed by distractions and worries, mindfulness can offer a valuable way to anchor ourselves in the present and cultivate deeper awareness.

By practising mindfulness, we can learn to look at our experiences with more openness and acceptance. It allows us to pay attention to our thoughts, emotions and physical sensations in a conscious and non-judgemental way. By simply observing what is happening in the moment, without reacting to it directly, we develop greater awareness of ourselves and the world around us.

An important aspect of mindfulness is developing emotional intelligence. By being aware of and understanding our emotions, we can respond better to challenging situations. We learn to treat ourselves and others with mildness and compassion, which can improve relationships and reduce stress.

To help you integrate mindfulness into your daily life, we have put together a series of simple but effective exercises. These exercises are accessible and practical, making it easy to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine and experience the benefits of being fully present.

One of the exercises you can try is conscious breathing. This involves becoming aware of your breathing and focusing on it, without changing it. By simply focusing your attention on your breathing, you can calm down and be more present in the moment.

Another exercise is body scan, where you systematically focus your attention on different parts of your body. This allows you to notice and release tension and stress in your body.

You can also integrate mindfulness into everyday activities, such as mindful eating or mindful walking. By focusing your attention on the experience of eating or the sensations in your body while walking, you can fully appreciate the richness of the moment.

It is important to remember that mindfulness does not require perfection. It is not about turning off your thoughts completely, but rather becoming aware of your thoughts without being carried away by them. It is a skill that takes time and practice, but the benefits are worth it.

Try these mindfulness exercises and discover the potential of mindfulness to bring more peace, balance and well-being into your life. By being consciously present in the moment, you can improve the quality of your experiences and live life with greater resilience and satisfaction.

Starting to stop:

Consciously pausing prior to activities.

Every time before starting a new activity, it is valuable to give yourself a moment to stop and pause completely. This moment of conscious stillness can help you be more present in the present moment and observe your thoughts and feelings before you continue.

Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on your body and your surroundings. This practice can support you to be more focused and productive during activity and live a more mindful life.

  •   Start by consciously dwelling on your body. 

Feel the sensations that are present. Notice how your body feels and what your energy level is right now. Take a moment to listen to the signals your body is giving you and consider what you need to function optimally.

Next, it is important to pay attention to your psyche. How are you feeling emotionally? Take a moment to become aware of your state of mind and your inner experience. How is your chargeability right now? Identify what you need to support yourself and take care of your emotional well-being.

  •   Now focus your attention on the outside world. 

Consciously perceive what is happening around you. Use your senses to take in the stimuli in your environment. Notice the sounds, colours, smells and textures that are present. This helps you to be more in the moment and increase your awareness.

After these moments of conscious pause and observation, you can start your next activity with full attention and focus. By pausing for a moment and being aware of yourself and your surroundings, you create a foundation of mindfulness that you can continue to cultivate throughout the day.

Try incorporating this practice of starting with stopping into your daily life and discover how it helps you to be more present, focused and mindful. By pausing regularly before starting a new activity, you give yourself space to function optimally and enjoy the moment.

Ten breaths:

An exercise in concentration and connection.

This simple exercise can help you concentrate and experience a sense of connection with your surroundings. It is especially useful to do this exercise during the day, especially when you find yourself trapped in your thoughts and emotions.

  •   Start by taking ten slow, deep breaths. 

Take your time with each breath and try to exhale slowly until your lungs are completely empty, and then let them fill up again naturally. As you do this, be aware of the sensations associated with breathing in and out. Notice how your chest rises and falls and how your shoulders move slightly up and down.

As you focus your attention on your breathing, I invite you to observe your thoughts as cars drive past your house. Let them come and go without getting lost in them. Try to adopt an observant attitude towards your thoughts, not holding them or getting carried away by them.

Next, expand your awareness. Focus your attention on both your breathing and your body. Notice how your breathing feeds your body and how your body responds to each breath. Next, look around the space you are in and consciously observe what you see, hear, smell, touch and feel. Allow your senses to open and anchor you in the present moment.

This exercise can help you get out of your head and be more present in the here and now. It helps you observe your thoughts and emotions without being carried away by them, and expand your awareness to your body and surroundings.

Try applying this exercise regularly in your daily routine and notice how it helps you experience a deeper sense of concentration, connection and mindfulness.

Noticing five things:

An exercise in attention and connection.  

This simple exercise can help you focus your attention and connect with your surroundings. Perform this exercise throughout the day, especially when you find yourself trapped in your thoughts and feelings.

  •   Start with a moment of pause. 

Take a moment to stop what you are doing and bring your attention to the here and now.

  •   Next, look around you and notice five things you see. 

They can be objects in your immediate environment, colours, shapes or patterns. Focus your attention on each item and take a moment to consciously perceive it.

  •   Then shift your attention to your hearing. 

Listen carefully and notice five sounds you can hear. These can be sounds in the room you are in, sounds from outside or even subtle sounds that might otherwise escape your attention.

  •   Now bring your attention to your body and notice five sensations you can feel. 

They can be physical sensations like the pressure of the chair you are sitting on, the temperature of your hands or the sensation of your feet on the floor. Become aware of these points of contact between your body and the environment.

  •   To conclude, you can combine all the above steps and perform them simultaneously. 

Look around you, listen to the sounds around you and notice sensations in your body at the same time. This helps you anchor your attention in the present moment and be fully aware of your surroundings.

By doing this exercise regularly, you train your ability to be mindful and connect with the here and now. It allows you to pause for a moment, let go of your thoughts and open to the direct experience of the moment.

Try incorporating this exercise into your daily routine and notice how it helps you strengthen your attention, be more present and experience a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.


Connecting to the here and now.

This exercise helps you focus and make a deeper connection with the world around you. Try doing it throughout the day, especially when you find yourself trapped in your thoughts and feelings.

  •   Start by consciously focusing your attention on your feet. 

Put them firmly on the ground and feel the ground beneath your feet supporting you. Push your feet firmly into the floor and notice how your leg muscles tighten as you do this. This creates a sense of stability and anchoring.

  •   Expand your awareness to your whole body. 

Notice how gravity flows through your head, spine and legs to your feet. Feel the connection between your body and the earth, and how you are firmly rooted. Take a moment to experience this feeling of firmness and stability.

  •   Next, direct your attention outwards. 

Look around you and notice what you see and hear. Take time to consciously perceive where you are and what you are doing. Notice details in your surroundings, such as colours, shapes, sounds and movements. Being aware of your surroundings helps you connect with the here and now.

This exercise helps you to ground yourself and be present in the moment. It brings your attention away from your thoughts and puts you in touch with the physical reality around you. By grounding regularly, you can increase your inner peace and stability, making you better able to deal with challenges and stressful situations.

Try incorporating this exercise into your daily routine and notice how it helps you feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. It creates a sense of balance and empowers you to act from a firm foundation.

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