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Pathways to Recovery, chapter 10, 'Traveladvice'.

The road to recovery is a road with many turns. We may have had to turn around and start over from the beginning. We have tried to go in a straight line from one destination to another. We have gone through quiet and calm periods. And sometimes we have had periods of sudden and rapid change, and had to really struggle to recover. After so much work, we can feel like we've run out and don't have much energy left.

Time for a break.

Sometimes we need to take care of ourselves and take time to relax. To recharge our bodies and minds. This chapter supports the need for breaks and recharging. If we take care of ourselves and bring more balance to life before we get into the danger zone, it is easier to move on later. When we slow down and celebrate each step, we discover that the daily work of recovery is easier to deal with.

Here are some tips for taking breaks and recharging:

  •    Take time to relax. This can mean taking a nap, reading a book, taking a walk or just doing nothing.

  •    Do something fun. This can be something you love, such as exercising, listening to music, spending time with friends and family, or trying something new.

  •    Take a break from your phone and computer. These devices can overstimulate us and take us out of our minds.

  •    Take care of your body. Eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

  •    Listen to your body. If you are tired, take a break. If you are stressed, do something to relax.

  •    Ask for help if you need it. There are many people who can help you in your recovery, such as your family, friends, therapists and support groups.

Recovery is a process, not a goal. There will be ups and downs. It is important to be patient with yourself and to take breaks when you need them. That way you can support your recovery process as best you can.

Relaxing and Calming Down

Many of us are sensitive to stress and may find it difficult to cope with stressful situations. However, it's important to recognise that stress is a normal part of life and can even be beneficial in moderation. Hiding from stress or avoiding challenges can actually increase our stress levels, as research has shown that social isolation, inactivity and lack of stimulation can be highly stressful. The recovery process can also involve putting ourselves in stressful situations and pushing ourselves beyond our limits. While it's important to manage stress and take action when we feel overwhelmed, it's also important to accept that stress is an inherent part of life and try to use it as part of positive change and growth. Too much stress can have negative consequences, but a manageable amount of stress can motivate us and help us achieve our goals.

When we feel overwhelmed by stress, it can manifest itself in physical and mental symptoms such as muscle tension, shallow breathing, increased heart rate, headaches, stomach problems, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and memory problems. We may also become irritable and feel drained. These are common reactions to stress and are not necessarily indicators of mental health problems. However, it's important to find ways to relax and manage stress to prevent negative effects on our wellbeing.

  • What kind of things do you feel, when under to much stress?

I sleep less, and use more.

Managing stress is about recognising when we feel stressed and taking effective action to deal with it. We can develop strategies and behaviours that help us cope with stress, or we can choose to temporarily reduce stress when we feel overwhelmed. In this section of the book, we will explore different techniques that can help us to relax in times of stress. These techniques are simple, take only a few minutes and don't require any special equipment. They can be done anywhere at any time. Choose one of the exercises and try it. Don't give up easily and don't force yourself to relax. Relaxation is a natural process, but it may take some practice to make it feel easy.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing has a big influence on our spirit, our body, and mood. Just by giving attention for our breathing, without changing it, we can relax.

Next are a few easy exercises you can use to relax quickly.

1.   Yogatechnique

This breathingtechnique works as an natural tranquilizer, use it when your upset, or when feeling tension in your body.

  • First sit down with a straight back. Put the tip of your tonque on the edge behind your front teeth.

  • Breathing out goes through your mouth, past your tonque. You can spout your lips if needed.

  • Fully breath out in eight seconds through your mouth and make a 'woesjh'-sound.

  • Now close your mouth and breath in through your nose, and count to four in your head.

  • Then hold your breath for seven seconds.

  • Then fully breath out through your mouth, with the 'woesjh' in eight seconds.

  • This is one breath, in one full cycle.

  • Breath in again through your nose in four seconds.

  • Repeat this.
2.   Two-Step-Breathing

  • Sit up straight, breath through your nose and fill the bottem of your lungs.

  • Next keep breathing in, to add more air in your lungs, and fill the top part.

  • Breath slowely out.

  • Visualize breathing out the tension.

  • Repeat this three to five times.

Try out one of these techniques.

  • How did you feel afterwards? Did you get more relaxed?


Simple techniques and exercises can help us to relax and release the tension we feel. There are many breathing exercises that you can use. Being aware of your breathing is a valuable tool to help you feel better. And it only takes a few minutes of your time!

Muscle Relaxing

Next are three methods to relax the tension in your body and muscles. And letting the blocked energy flow.

1.   To strain and relax.

  • Strain your muscles you want to relax, for example your backmuscles, really tight.

  • Focus your attention to the tensed muscles.

  • Feel the tension.

  • Now completely relax your muscles.

  • Feel how the relaxation flows trough the previous strained muscle.

  • Do this five or six times.
2.   Bodyscan.

  • Scan in your mind all the muscles in your body, from the top of your ears to your toes. (dont forget your skull and jaw)

  • When you get to a muscle that has tension, use your thoughts to think it completly limp and relaxed.

  • This technique needs some practicing, but can be very effective.

  • Dont force anything, just let it happen.
3.   Ragdoll.

  • Do a short breathingexercise.

  • Imagine being a ragdoll.

  • Or use an other image, like a cat laying in the sun, or butter melting on toast.

  • Feel how your head and body relax.

  • Your body is completely relaxed, when you go through all the muscles in your mind.

There are many ways to relax. For example: massage, aromatherapy, self-hypnosis or a bubble bath. There is a way to relax for everyone. Try them out and see what works for you.

  • Choose one of these techniques and try them out. Did you manage to relax your muscles? How did it feel?


Doing relaxation exercises just once or twice will not have much effect on stress. But if we take the time to practise them and make them our own. Our minds and bodies start to remember them better. We can build relaxation into our daily lives and seek help when we need it.

  • Which techniques do you use to relax? Do you profit it from them?

Two step breathing.

To find balance in our lives, it is important to prioritise our needs and set boundaries. This means taking the time to understand what is most important to us and making sure we give it the time and energy it deserves. It also means setting limits and saying no when necessary, so that we don't overextend ourselves or take on more than we can handle.

As well as setting priorities and limits, finding balance in our lives can also mean taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally. This means making sure we get enough sleep, eat well and exercise regularly. It also means taking time to relax and recharge, and finding healthy ways to deal with stress and negative emotions.

Finally, finding balance in our lives can also mean finding a sense of purpose and meaning. This can come from a variety of sources, such as work, relationships, hobbies or other personal pursuits. By focusing on what is most important to us and what brings us joy and fulfilment, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  • How do you get yourself back on track, if you notice that you have to much stress in life, and find yourself out of balance?

With music.

It's important to find a balance between caring for others and caring for ourselves. Many of us have many responsibilities, such as family, work, education and social groups, which can enrich our lives. But it's also important to make time for ourselves and not get too caught up in caring for others. On the other hand, if we spend too much time alone, we can start to feel lonely and unfulfilled, even if we take good care of ourselves. On the other hand, giving too much of our time to others can leave us exhausted and drained. Finding the right balance between these two extremes is the key to a fulfilling and satisfying life.

  • How is your balance in life between time for others and yourself?

I see people daily.

  • Can you think of one thing you can do to improve that balance, and keep it that way?

To keep time for myself.

  • What would you like to do to take better care of yourself?

Not use every day.

There are a number of things we can do to live a more balanced life:


  • Be aware of your limits. Be honest with yourself about what you can and cannot handle.

  • Set priorities. Determine what is most important to you, and focus on that.

  • Take time for yourself. Schedule regular time for activities that you enjoy and that relax you.

  • Seek support. Talk to friends, family or a therapist about your feelings and experiences.

Doing these things can take steps toward a healthier and happier life.


  • Living a balanced life is not always easy. It can be a process of trial and error.

  • There is no one-to-one answer on how to live a balanced life. What works for one person may not work for another.

  • It is important to keep looking for what works for you. Experiment with different things and see what helps you live a happier and healthier life.

Our Western culture often encourages us to focus on acquiring more material possessions in order to find happiness, rather than appreciating what we already have in the present moment. It is natural to reflect on the past and the losses we have experienced, but it is important to realise that we cannot change the past and instead focus on enjoying the present moment. By focusing on the present and appreciating what we have, we can experience a sense of peace and contentment that can carry us into the future.

In today's society we are often driven to constantly strive for more, better and faster. We are often encouraged to look at what we do not have and what we want to achieve, rather than taking the time to appreciate what we already have. This can lead to a never-ending pursuit of external validation and material possessions, which may not always lead to lasting happiness.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the present moment and appreciate what we already have. This can range from small daily pleasures such as a cup of coffee in the morning, a walk in nature or spending quality time with loved ones, to larger achievements and milestones we have reached. It is about cultivating an attitude of gratitude and contentment with what we have, rather than constantly longing for what we do not yet have.

This does not mean that we should stop pursuing goals or striving for personal growth. Rather, it means that we learn to be present in the moment and enjoy what we have now, while continuing to pursue our goals for the future. It is a balance between setting goals and appreciating the present moment, so that we are not solely focused on the future, but can also enjoy the here and now.

Appreciating the present moment can help us find a sense of inner peace and contentment, even in times of challenge and setback. It allows us to live more in the moment and see the beauty of life around us. It also enables us to make meaningful connections with the people and world around us, and to be aware of the precious moments that we often take for granted.

So let us be mindful of the present, count our blessings and enjoy what we have. Let us focus on cultivating an attitude of gratitude and contentment.

  • What are the things around you right now, at this moment, where you get joy from?

My computer and music

Travel Tip 1:

Stay flexible, change your plans and goals as you learn, grow and get to know yourself better. It's important to be open to new experiences and challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. You may discover new things about yourself and your interests during your travels, so it's important to stay flexible and willing to adjust your plans and goals as you grow.

Travel Tip 2:

Embrace change, recovery is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It's important to remember that recovery is an ongoing process and there is no end point. It's a journey you'll carry with you for the rest of your life. Be grateful for any progress you make, no matter how small it may seem. Keep challenging yourself to grow and don't be afraid to take on new challenges.

Travel Tip 3:

Don't give up, work on your stamina and persevere. Determination will get you where you want to go. Travelling can sometimes be challenging and you may encounter unexpected obstacles. It's important to be determined and resilient. Make sure you have enough energy to keep going and give yourself the time you need to overcome challenges. You'll be surprised how far you can go if you stick to your goals.

Travel Tip 4:

Don't compare your journey with anyone else's - everyone's journey is unique. It's important to focus on your own journey and not pay too much attention to the achievements of others. Everyone has their own unique journey and comparing yourself to others can be discouraging and hinder your own progress. Instead, it's better to look at how far you've come and be proud of your own achievements.

Travel Tip 5:

Don't try to travel alone. Make sure you have support and travel companions. While it's important to go your own way, it's also important to connect with other people. Having supportive travel companions can help you overcome challenges and experience new things. It can also be fun to share your experiences and make memories together.

Travel tip 6:

Celebrate every step! It's important to celebrate every step of your journey, no matter how small it may seem. Whether you've reached a personal goal, overcome a challenge or just enjoyed the moment, it's important to stop and take a moment to enjoy it.

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