Blog Post

Moving With Recovery

Pathways to Recovery, chapter 11, 'Moving On With Recovery'.

Welcome to the second-to-last chapter of our blog series on recovery! We have already come a long way and learned a lot about ourselves and our journey. As we move forward with our recovery process, it is important to focus not only on overcoming challenges, but also on creating a positive and enjoyable experience for ourselves.

Here are some strategies that can help you make your recovery process more enjoyable and fulfilling:

  • Tell your story.

Sharing your recovery story with others can be a powerful way to connect with others, find support and inspire others.

  • Practice creativity.

Creativity can be a great way to increase your expression, relieve your stress and have fun.

  • Celebrate your successes.

It is important to reflect on your progress and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. This will help you stay motivated and make your recovery process more enjoyable.

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but if you are patient and persistent, you will eventually reach your goals. Make your journey fun and fulfilling by implementing these strategies.

Thank you for reading our blog series on recovery. I hope you feel heard and supported. I wish you well on your journey to recovery.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there are people here to support and help you every step of the way. We believe in you and your ability to recover and create a better future for yourself. Keep fighting, and never give up!

Strategy 1.

Use your creativity to find new ways.

Many of us strive to reclaim or develop aspects of our identity that are beyond the norm of what is typically addressed in mental health care. However, this journey can sometimes feel directionless. There are countless unique paths to recovery, and each person's journey will be unique. 

To move forward, it's important to find new ways of looking at ourselves, our support system, our immediate environment and the resources available to us. This may involve finding new approaches to challenges and being at peace with the fact that not every path we take will be the right one. To truly thrive, we should see recovery as a creative process.

  • What is creativity?

Creativity has many definitions, but at its core it involves taking existing ideas or images and combining them in new ways to create something new. This could be a new idea, a new way of doing something, a new way of thinking or talking about something, or a new product or process. We all have an innate desire to express our creativity, and when we do, we take steps to bring our unique perspective to life. 

Engaging in creative activities can give us new energy and boost our confidence to move forward. We may even enter a state of 'flow' where we become so immersed in the creative process that we lose track of time and feel a sense of complete focus and peace.

  • Did you experience the flow once? Describe this, what were you doing?

Yes, at work while working on my blog.

Many people think of creativity as something reserved for artists, writers and actors, but it's important to realise that creativity is not limited to these fields. In fact, we are all creative beings, each in our own way and to varying degrees. Some of us have easy access to our creative minds and use them regularly, while others may only tap into their creative urges occasionally. There are even some people who are unaware that they are creative.

As children, curiosity and creativity come naturally to us, but as we get older we may neglect these qualities. Some of us have had our creative nature suppressed by others - for example, we may have been told to "colour within the lines" or scolded for coming home late and covered in mud after playing outside. By the time we are adults, many of us may have lost faith in our own creativity. It's important to remember that creativity is a natural part of being human and it's never too late to tap into it and express it.

  • How creative do you find yourself? And why?

Steady creative.

By looking back at the creative things we have done in the past, we can reconnect with our innate creative abilities. Many of us have fond memories of times when we were able to let our creativity run free. Taking time to reflect on these experiences can help us tap into our creative potential and find new ways to express ourselves.

  • Describe a few moments in your life where you felt creative:

When i was psychotic.

  • Why is it important to stimulate your creativity?

Creativity has the power to transform our lives, providing us with new ways to entertain, amuse and enrich our experiences. It can also help us formulate our goals and express our unique talents, gifts and insights. Creativity can be a powerful tool for teaching others, organising events, advocating for our rights and supporting friends. By using our creative thoughts to bring our ideas to life, we can make a positive impact on others and bring our unique perspectives to the fore.

  • How can creativity help us recover?

Creativity allows us to think outside the box, find new ways to solve problems and use our strengths to stand up for what we believe in. Many people find that engaging in creative activities, such as poetry, art or simply putting their thoughts on paper, can have a positive impact on their attitudes and overall wellbeing. In fact, more than half of people receiving mental health care report that trying to be creative helps their sense of well-being.

Creativity is a fundamental human ability, but it takes time and effort to nurture it. We can start by being open to new ideas and alternative solutions, and by recognising and developing our talents and gifts. Practicing creativity can help us develop a greater sense of it and allow it to flourish.

Practice your creative skills.

Just as we can train our bodies to be in shape, we can train our brains to be more creative. There are many ways to stimulate, cultivate and support our creativity. By trying different techniques and approaches, we can discover how enjoyable the creative process can be.

Choose one or two creative activities that you are currently involved in, have done in the past, seem interesting to you or seem to suit you.

  • Which creative activity has your interest? How can you make a start with it?

Graphic design.

Releasing stress.

It can be difficult to tap into our creativity when we are under a lot of stress. To access our creative powers, it's important to take time to relax and daydream. Creative ideas often come more easily when we are not trying too hard to think of them. Allowing ourselves time to have fun and take a break can help clear our minds and allow creative ideas to flow. It's important to give ourselves time to think and the space to organise our thoughts in new ways.

  • How do you give yourself time for creativity?

By having one day free.

Different looks.

For those of us who feel that we're not creative, it's often because we're stuck in patterns of thinking and behaviour that limit us. We may have thoughts that hold us back and follow a strict structure, and a tight routine of daily tasks can also stifle our creative thinking. To break free from these limitations, we need to let go of our normal way of looking at things and develop a new perspective.

Many of us spend a lot of time trying to be 'normal' and fit in, but this can also limit our creativity. It's important to let go of the fear of doing something wrong or taking a wrong turn on the road to recovery, and instead see the creative process as an opportunity to grow and learn. By trying new things and finding new ways of doing things, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences.

In order to think more freely, we can try to identify and behave like our role models, be aware of our perspective and set aside our assumptions, travel to different places and change our environment, or actively brainstorm new solutions. Giving ourselves space to be creative means living with a playful spirit, regularly stimulating ourselves and expanding our horizons. By combining our new thoughts with old memories, we can create a new perspective for ourselves.

Widen our horizon.

One way to boost our creativity is to seek out new experiences. Setting aside time once a week for an "art date" can be a great way to do this. An art date can be anything that brings us joy and stimulates our senses in a new way - it could be a visit to a museum, a solo lunch date, or any other activity that feels refreshing and fun. By stepping out of our normal routines and trying new things, we can open ourselves up to new ideas and perspectives.

  • What can you do to treat yourself once a week on an 'art-date'?

I go out for coffee weekly.

One way to stimulate our creativity is to seek out things that stimulate our curiosity and to meet new people. Asking questions and reading new books can broaden our understanding and expose us to new ideas. Attending a class or workshop, a reading or performance, or any other type of learning opportunity can also open us up to new experiences and resources that we can draw on to fuel our creativity. By discovering new things, we can broaden our horizons and access a wealth of ideas, art, knowledge and resources.

Design your environment to encourage creativity.

We can make our environment more creative by surrounding ourselves with things that capture our attention and excite us. It can help to set aside a special place for creative activities and hobbies - this could be a table in our bedroom, a box of coloured pencils and drawing paper, or a designated studio space.

We can also create a visual inspiration board by using a bulletin board to display pictures from magazines, flyers about exhibitions and events we want to attend, or other things that inspire us. Adding personal touches such as fabrics that give us energy, wish cards or our own poems and drawings can also help to create a creative atmosphere.

  • In which way can you design an environment for your creative expression?

Ive got a fishtank.

Get in touch with creative people.

One way to learn more about creativity is to study the lives of creative people. It's important to recognise that even those who are highly creative may struggle with mental health issues. By seeking out creative people in our own communities and asking about their experiences, we can gain insights into how they view their own creativity and how they make space for it in their lives. They may also have their own ideas about how we can tap into our own creativity. Many cities also have artists who organise exhibitions, performances and readings that we can attend to stimulate our own creative process.

  • Do you know somebody who could be your 'creative-mentor'?


  • What kinds of things would you learn from him or her?

To see the beautiful in things.

  • How do you want unfold your playful (creative) mind?

By stimulating myself with art.

  • Note one thing, your going to do to use your creativity:

Share music.

Keep exploring your creative side and don't be afraid to express yourself. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to be creative, it's all about finding what works for you and making it your own. Keep up the good work!

Creativity can indeed be a powerful tool for personal growth and well-being. By engaging in creative activities, we not only express ourselves but also challenge our minds to think differently and find innovative solutions to problems.

There are various reasons for developing and celebrating the creative process in our lives:

  • Creativity can help us express thoughts and feelings that we have kept hidden for a long time.

  • Creativity offers us a way to make sense of the random experiences we have had. It gives us a clearer view of the possibilities that life has to offer.

  • Creativity helps us to have meaningful experiences so that we can understand them and put them into context.

  • Creativity helps us to deal with negative behaviour and to put our energy into positive experiences. It can help us to be aware and make better choices.

  • Creativity can help us formulate goals and achieve them. And it gives deeper meaning to our lives.

Creativity is a valuable resource that can provide energy and inspiration on the road to recovery. There are many ways to tap into our creativity and start on the path to greater self-expression. One simple way to start is to draw "outside the lines" or try a new colour - these small acts of creativity can open up new possibilities and inspire us to explore more. Don't be afraid to take small steps and try new things - creativity is all about embracing the unknown and finding new ways to express yourself.

Strategy 2.

Look on the bright side of life - develop a sense of gratitude.

It's common for many of us to have areas of our lives that we appreciate, but we may not always be aware of all the things we have to be grateful for. Instead, we may tend to focus on what we don't have and feel bitter about the struggles we face. This negative mindset can lead us to see ourselves as someone who is constantly facing one problem after another, and we may begin to believe that there is nothing to be grateful for. However, it's important to remember that even in the midst of difficult times, there are always things to be thankful for. By shifting our focus to these blessings, we can find a greater sense of appreciation and gratitude in our lives.

One way to cultivate gratitude is to consciously acknowledge the positive things in our lives, no matter how small they may seem. It can be as simple as appreciating a warm cup of coffee in the morning, a smile from a stranger, or a moment of peace and quiet. It's about training ourselves to notice and acknowledge the small moments of joy, love and beauty that are often overlooked.

It's also about remembering the achievements and milestones we've already reached in our lives. Whether it's personal or professional success, we should take the time to reflect on our achievements and be grateful for the hard work and determination that got us where we are today.

Another powerful way to cultivate gratitude is to focus on the people in our lives who bring us joy and support. This could be our family, friends, mentors or colleagues. Taking the time to express our gratitude and appreciation to these people not only strengthens our relationships, but also fills our hearts with warmth and happiness.

In addition, nature and the world around us offer countless opportunities for gratitude. Taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature, the changing seasons or a breathtaking sunset can fill us with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world we live in.

Practicing mindfulness can also help us to focus on the present moment and cultivate gratitude. By fully engaging in the present moment, without judgement or distraction, we can become more aware of the blessings that surround us. It's about being fully present and savouring the experiences, sensations and connections that enrich our lives.

Finally, it's important to remember that gratitude is a mindset that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. It's a choice we can make every day to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. It's about choosing to see the blessings in our lives, no matter how big or small, and appreciating them with an open heart.

In conclusion, even in the midst of challenges and struggles, there is always something to be grateful for. By consciously shifting our focus to these blessings, acknowledging the positive, expressing appreciation to others, being mindful and cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we can cultivate a greater sense of appreciation and happiness in our lives. Let's choose to be grateful and live with a heart full of appreciation for the abundance in our lives.

  • What is gratitude?

Gratitude is about recognising and appreciating the things we have in our lives. We all have things to be grateful for, whether it's the support of our family and friends, a safe place to live, or something as simple as the beauty of a sunset. While it's important to show gratitude to others on special occasions through gestures like sending cards or making phone calls, true gratitude goes beyond these superficial acts. By cultivating a grateful lifestyle and feeling truly thankful for the things we have, we can make a positive difference in our lives and our recovery journey. Instead of focusing on what we don't have, we can focus on what we are grateful for and improve the quality of our lives.

  • Where does an attitude of gratitude take us?

One of the greatest benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives is that it gives us a sense of positivity. When we feel grateful, we tend to feel good about ourselves and our lives. If we have been thinking negatively in the past, gratitude can help us to shift our perspective and break free from negative thought patterns. By focusing on the small things in daily life and finding gratitude for them, we can experience more joy and worry less. Negative emotions such as fear, doubt, anger and jealousy can begin to fade as we recognise all the things we have to be positive about. Gratitude helps us to see the fullness of life and enables us to cope better with challenges that come our way. It can make it easier to break problems down into smaller pieces, give us more patience and take away the feeling of hopelessness. A positive attitude helps us to believe that good things are coming and that better things are on the horizon.

  • How can we learn to develop a lifestyle of gratitude?

We can nurture our gratitude by being aware of the things we have to be grateful for and actively seeking them out. When we practice gratitude on a regular basis, it becomes more natural for us to be aware of the things we can appreciate in our lives. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude for certain experiences, relationships or possessions can often make us feel more positive and fulfilled. Gratitude is a habit that we can cultivate and grow over time, and the more we focus on it, the more it becomes part of our nature.

Decide to feel happier.

Happiness is largely a choice - we have the power to choose to be happy or not. If we're struggling to find joy in our own lives, one approach we can try is to look to role models or children for inspiration. Children often embody a natural state of wonder, joy and happiness - they don't have to try to be happy, it comes naturally. By observing and learning from those who are naturally happy, we can gain insights into how to cultivate a sense of joy and contentment in our own lives. Ultimately, happiness is something that comes from within and is a choice we make for ourselves.

  • Think back about the moment you felt grateful and happy. Describe how it felt:

Its a great feeling. Great but tiring.

Look for the good in a situation that feels bad.

When we're facing serious problems, it can be difficult to see things in a positive light. However, it's often the case that those who are able to maintain a sense of positivity, concern and optimism despite their challenges understand the power of gratitude. By looking for the good in difficult situations and practising gratitude, we can learn to face setbacks with greater resilience and strength. It's not always easy, but the more we practice gratitude, the easier it becomes to find the silver lining in difficult circumstances.

  • Can you remember a situation in your life which was really hard, but you where able to see something positive? What happend then? What did you learn about it?

The contact with people in the mental hospital.

  • What if we cant feel gratitude?

It's understandable that there are days when it feels difficult or impossible to feel grateful for anything. On those days, it's important to be kind to ourselves and not criticise ourselves for not feeling grateful. It's not about pretending to be happy or lying about our feelings - it's OK to feel grumpy, withdrawn, tired, bored, angry, hurt or any other negative emotion. Gratitude is a process that takes time and practice, and it's important to be patient with ourselves as we work to cultivate it. Instead of being hard on ourselves, we should be gentle and remember that tomorrow is always a new day with new opportunities to practice gratitude.

When we adopt a grateful attitude, we tend to focus on the things we appreciate rather than dwelling on negative outcomes. There are many ways we can work on cultivating and strengthening a grateful attitude. One way is through exercises that focus on gratitude. Here is an example of such an exercise:

  • Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and reflect on the things you are grateful for.

These can be small things, like a warm cup of coffee in the morning, or bigger things, like the support of loved ones.

  • Write down three to five things you are grateful for in a diary or on a piece of paper.

You can do this daily, weekly or at whatever frequency feels comfortable for you.

  • Share your gratitude with others.

You can tell a friend or family member about something you are grateful for, or write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you or made a positive difference in your life.

  • Practice gratitude in your everyday life.

As you go about your day, make an effort to notice and appreciate the things that bring you joy or make your life easier. This could be the beauty of a sunset, the kindness of a stranger, or the simple pleasure of a hot meal

By engaging in practices like these, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude that helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and find joy in everyday moments.

How can we help our feelings of gratitude?

Next is an exercise.

  • These are memories from my youth I am thankful for:

Things i did with my brother.

  • These are people in my life I am thankful for:

My family.

  • These are talents I am thankful for:

My skills to appreciate art.

  • These are events in my life I am thankful for:

Feeling recovered.

  • These are periods in my life, I really enjoyed:

Days with my family.

  • These are places in my life I am thankful for:

My home.

  • These are things in my life I am thankful for:

My possessions.

Take time to be thankful.

One way to practise gratitude on a daily basis is to set aside a time during the day when you are at your busiest to reflect on the things you are grateful for. For example, you might choose to do this during your lunch break, before you go to bed, or first thing in the morning.

Saying thanks for each meal is a simple but powerful way to show your gratitude for all the good things in your life. You can do this by praying, meditating or simply taking a few moments to silently appreciate all the hard work and effort that goes into providing food for you and your loved ones. Alternatively, you could choose to recite a poem or saying that expresses your gratitude. Whatever method you choose, the important thing is to make a conscious effort to focus on the things you are thankful for and to express your gratitude in a meaningful way.

Honour the people who used to have, and have right now a positive influence on your life.

Honouring people who have meant something to you can be as simple as thinking of them, making a phone call, sending a text or a card.

  • Who are the people in your life you want to honour? What would you like to do for them?

The help at work and during my life.

There are many ways to express gratitude to the people in our lives. Here are a few examples:

We can send cards to friends or family. We can thank the veterinarian for taking care of our animals, we can thank the waiter in the restaurant for the delicious food. We can thank someone who is there for us in difficult times. Or the mechanic who keeps our car running.

We can show gratitude in our immediate surroundings by thanking our neighbors, letting people in church or other groups know that we appreciate them. By doing volunteer work or perhaps helping with a special project.

By actively expressing gratitude to those around us, we can strengthen our relationships and build a sense of connection and community. It's a simple yet powerful way to show appreciation and have a positive impact on the lives of others.

How to keep a grateful lifestyle.

Once we adopt a thankful lifestyle, there are a few ways to reinforce the feeling of gratitude

  • Have a daily gratitude ritual.

  • Put up notes around the house to remind you of what you are grateful for.

  • Find a role model for gratitude and talk to that person. And ask what that person has done to live a grateful life.

  • Ask yourself different questions. Instead of 'why me? Ask yourself, 'Why not me?' or 'How can I change this so that it is better?

Gratitude is not a magic panacea that can erase the challenges and hardships we have faced in the past. However, adopting a grateful mindset and striving to cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude can be a powerful tool in our journey towards recovery and overall well-being. By focusing on the things we are grateful for, we can shift our perspective and see the positive aspects of our lives more clearly. This, in turn, can help us to feel happier and more fulfilled, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

By making a conscious effort to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives, we can find more joy and meaning in the things that are given to us.

Strategy 3.

Take a rest, and recharge with meditation.

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity to train attention and awareness. It has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental and physical health, making it a valuable tool for improving overall wellbeing.

One of the well-known benefits of meditation is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Through the practice of meditation, individuals learn to calm the mind and cultivate a sense of inner peace, which can help to alleviate the effects of stress on the body and mind. Regular meditation practice has also been shown to improve sleep quality, allowing for better rest and rejuvenation of the mind and body.

As well as reducing stress, meditation can also promote general wellbeing. By training the mind to focus and be present in the moment, individuals can develop greater self-awareness and emotional resilience. This can lead to improved emotional regulation, increased self-compassion and better overall mental and emotional health.

There are many different types of meditation and individuals can choose a practice that resonates with them personally. Some common forms of meditation include mindfulness meditation, where individuals focus their attention on the present moment without judgement; loving kindness meditation, which involves cultivating feelings of love and compassion for oneself and others; and body scan meditation, where individuals systematically bring their awareness to different parts of their body.

Incorporating meditation into a daily routine can be a valuable way to promote relaxation and self-care. Many people find that setting aside just a few minutes each day for meditation can help them feel more centred, focused and relaxed. It can also be a helpful tool for dealing with difficult emotions, as meditation can provide a safe space for individuals to observe and process their thoughts and feelings without judgement.

Getting started with meditation is easy as there are many resources available for beginners. There are books, videos and classes that offer guidance on different meditation techniques, making it accessible to people of all levels of experience. There are also numerous meditation apps and online communities that offer guided meditations and support for those new to the practice.

It's important to note that meditation is a skill that takes practice and patience. It may take time to find the right meditation practice that resonates with you personally, and progress may be gradual. However, with dedication and commitment, anyone can learn to meditate and experience the benefits for themselves.

In conclusion, meditation is a powerful practice that can have many benefits for mental and physical health. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and promote general wellbeing. With the availability of various resources and techniques, meditation is accessible to anyone interested in incorporating it into their daily routine. By dedicating time and effort to a regular meditation practice, individuals can cultivate greater relaxation, self-awareness and emotional resilience, leading to an overall improved sense of wellbeing.

Remember, self-care is not selfish - it's necessary for maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional health. Make sure to prioritize your well-being and take the time you need to recharge and care for yourself.

Strategy 4.

See the wished changes with visualizing.

Visualisation is a powerful technique that uses the power of the imagination to create mental images and scenes to achieve a specific goal or outcome. Also known as guided imagery or mental imagery, it has been used for centuries as a tool for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and facilitating personal growth and development.

To practice visualisation, it's important to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Once you feel calm and centred, you can begin to focus your attention on a specific goal or intention that you want to achieve.

When visualising, try to create a vivid and detailed mental picture of yourself achieving your goal. Use all your senses to make the image as real as possible. What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the experience as if you were actually living it in the present moment.

As well as creating visual images, you can use other senses in your visualisation practice. For example, you can imagine the smells, tastes and textures associated with your goal. This multi-sensory approach can make the visualisation even more powerful and effective.

You can also incorporate positive affirmations or statements into your visualisation practice. As you visualise yourself achieving your goal, repeat to yourself positive affirmations or statements that align with your intentions. For example, if your goal is to improve your self-confidence, you might repeat statements such as "I am confident and capable" or "I believe in myself" as you visualise yourself confidently achieving your goal.

Visualisation can be used in many areas of life, including sport, work, relationships and personal development. Athletes often use visualisation techniques to enhance their performance and improve their skills. Professionals use it to prepare for important presentations or meetings. Individuals use it to improve their relationships by visualising positive interactions and outcomes. Regular practice of visualisation can help you build confidence, focus and motivation, while reducing stress and anxiety associated with your goals.

It's important to note that visualisation is a skill that may take practice and patience to master. As with any technique, it may not work for everyone or produce immediate results. However, with consistent practice and an open mind, visualisation can be a valuable tool in achieving your goals and improving your overall wellbeing.

In conclusion, visualisation is a powerful technique that involves using the power of the imagination to create mental images and scenes to achieve specific goals or outcomes. It can be used to manage stress and anxiety, improve performance and promote personal growth and development. By incorporating vivid mental imagery, all of your senses and positive affirmations, visualisation can be an effective tool to help you achieve your goals and improve your overall wellbeing.

Visualizing exercises.

   1. Create a safe zone.
  • Imagine a place, made up or real, where you like to be.

  • Imagine details bit by bits of this place. Imagine everything you see, hear en smell.

  • Then focus your attention on the place where you are now.
   2.  Succeeding in a goal.
  • Take another look at your list of goals, and pick one you like to work on. Now imagine a scene where you already achieved this goal.

Strategy 5.

Physical exercises. No words, but deeds!

Exercise has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, making it a powerful tool for improving overall wellbeing. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and increase feelings of well-being. In addition, exercise can play a key role in regulating emotions and improving cognitive function.

There are many different types of physical activity to choose from, so individuals can find an exercise routine that suits their interests, physical abilities and limitations. Popular options include walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, and participating in various sports and recreational activities. Finding an exercise routine that is enjoyable and engaging can help increase motivation and adherence to a regular exercise routine.

Starting slowly and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of exercise is important to prevent injury and build fitness safely. It's important to listen to your body and be aware of any discomfort or pain. Taking breaks when needed and not pushing yourself too hard can help prevent burnout and promote sustainability in your exercise routine.

In addition to the physical benefits, exercise has a profound effect on mental health. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, also known as "feel-good" hormones, which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Exercise has also been shown to improve sleep quality, boost self-esteem and improve overall cognitive function, including memory and concentration.

Regular physical activity can also be a beneficial strategy for managing and preventing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on brain chemistry, helping to regulate mood and reduce symptoms of these conditions. It can also serve as a healthy coping mechanism for managing stress, providing a healthy outlet for pent-up emotions and tension.

It's important to note that exercise is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to find an exercise routine that suits your individual preferences, physical abilities and limitations. It's also important to consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise programme, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

In summary, exercise has many mental health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and increasing feelings of well-being. It's important to find an exercise routine that suits your interests and physical abilities, and to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise. Regular physical activity can play an important role in the management and prevention of mental health conditions, and it's a valuable tool for improving overall wellbeing.

  • What is your favourite way to do physical exercises? How often do you do them? Does physical exercises helps you to relax?

With walking.

Strategy 6.

Use positive phrases, to make you feel your already there.

Positive affirmations can help us harness the power of language and change our negative thought patterns. Our thoughts often shape our reality, and if we focus on negative ideas, we can attract negative experiences and people into our lives. On the other hand, if we cultivate a positive attitude and speak and think in a positive way, we can experience more positivity in our lives.

It's not always easy to maintain a positive attitude, especially when we face challenges or setbacks. That's where affirmations come in - they can help us shift our thinking and focus on alternative, more hopeful perspectives. Using affirmations can help us cultivate self-affirmation and build resilience.

Research suggests that an optimistic mindset can have numerous benefits, including improved health, success at work and in relationships, and an overall improved quality of life. While positive thinking alone may not immediately change our circumstances, it can help us feel better and more resilient. Positive affirmations can give us a boost when we're feeling down and help us tap into our inner strength.

  • How do you make affirmations (positive sentences)?

You get the best results out of your affirmations if you follow the next advices:

  • Affirmations are most effective when they are made in the present.

To avoid constantly waiting for things to happen, it is important to focus on affirmations that are present-oriented. For example, instead of saying 'I will have a nice house', try saying 'I have a nice house'.

  • Affirmations need to be positive.

Positive thinking empowers what we want rather than what we don't want. The more positive the affirmation, the more powerful it will be. For example, instead of saying 'I wish I wasn't so fat', try saying 'I am healthy'.

  • Affirmations need to be personal.

It is important to make sure that our affirmations are tailored to us and do not include other people. Be specific in creating affirmations that accurately reflect what we want and need.

  • Affirmations need to contain a lot of emotion.

The more emotion we put into our affirmations, the deeper the effect will be. It is important that each word resonates with us on a deep level. Simply reciting affirmations without feeling them will not be effective.

  • Affirmations need to be short and specific.

They are easier to remember that way.

  • Affirmations need to be repeated often.

Be persistent and repeat your affirmations regularly to make them a part of you. Consistent use of affirmations will produce better results than occasional use.

  • Really believe in your affirmations.

It may not happen overnight, but the more we use our affirmations, the more we will begin to believe them. This belief will only be strengthened when we see the affirmations working in our lives.

Make affirmations that suits your life.

Using affirmations can be a powerful way to change your mindset and encourage positive changes in your life. The idea is that by regularly repeating positive phrases or sentences that reflect your desired future situation, your subconscious mind will adopt these beliefs and begin to direct your thoughts, emotions and behaviour in the direction of these beliefs.

It can be helpful to create affirmations for different areas of your life, as each area has its own challenges and opportunities. Below are some examples of affirmations for different areas of life, along with space to add your own affirmations.

It's possible to create affirmations for different areas of your life. Here are some examples to get you started on creating your own affirmations:

Affirmations for success:

  • I am successful in all that I do.
  • I am productive.
  • I have an abundance of positive energy.

Your personal success mantra could be: "I achieve every goal I set for myself with joy and determination.''

Daily affirmations:

  • I love and accept myself for who I am.
  • I am a unique and free being.
  • I am safe and protected.

Your personal daily affirmation could be: "I am grateful for each day and each experience that life offers me, and I live fully in the present moment.''

Affirmations for health:

  • I radiate health.
  • I am immortal.
  • I take full responsibility for my health.

Your personal health mantra could be: "I am strong and healthy in body and mind and I take good care of myself.''

Affirmations for love:

  • Love is forever.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • It is safe to love someone.

Your personal mantra for love could be: "I am open to love and accept it into my life at the right time and in the right way.''

Affirmations for Spirituality and Inner Peace

  • I am connected to my inner self.
  • I can give and love.
  • I am growing as a spiritual being.
  • I am filled with peace.

Your personal mantra for spirituality and inner peace could be: "I am grateful for my spiritual growth and inner peace, and I strive to get more in touch with my higher self each day.''

Affirmations for solving problems and overcoming obstacles

  • I am focused on my goal.
  • My life is free from stress and worry.
  • My life is becoming easier and happier.
  • Endless possibilities and opportunities are coming my way.

Your personal mantra for overcoming obstacles could be: "I am grateful for every victory, no matter how small.''

Strategy 7.

Cherish your sense of humour.

Coping with mental health challenges and working towards recovery can indeed be a difficult and challenging process that requires effort and resilience. However, incorporating humour as a coping mechanism can be a valuable tool in improving mental wellbeing and navigating negative situations.

Laughter has been shown to have many mental health benefits. It can reduce stress and tension by triggering the release of endorphins, often referred to as 'feel-good' hormones. Laughter can also lift our mood and improve our overall sense of wellbeing by providing a temporary escape from difficult emotions and situations. In social settings, humour can foster warm connections and create a shared sense of humanity, helping to build social support networks and improve relationships with others.

Even if you are not naturally inclined towards humour, you can work on developing your sense of humour. Exposure to humorous content, such as films, TV shows or books, can help expand your comedic repertoire and allow you to appreciate different forms of humour. It's important to remember that everyone's sense of humour is unique and what may be funny to one person may not have the same effect on another. Both light and funny humour, as well as darker and more ironic humour, can be useful in dealing with life's challenges, and finding what resonates with you personally can be a powerful tool in your recovery journey.

Humour also requires courage, as it often involves finding levity in difficult situations or making light of our own struggles. It can serve as a coping mechanism, allowing us to reframe challenges and find moments of joy even in the midst of adversity. Humour can be a form of self-care, providing a mental break from the weight of mental health challenges and a positive outlet for self-expression.

However, it's important to note that humour should be used in a mindful and sensitive way, taking into account the feelings and perspectives of others. Jokes or humour that are hurtful, offensive or inappropriate should be avoided as they can be detrimental to mental health and relationships.

In summary, using humour as a coping mechanism can have many benefits for mental health. It can reduce stress, lift mood and improve overall wellbeing. Developing your sense of humour and finding what resonates with you personally can be a valuable tool in coping with mental health challenges and working towards recovery. With its ability to bring levity and joy to difficult situations, humour can be a powerful and courageous tool in the healing process.

Strategy 8.

Celebrate all your achievements.

It is important to recognise and celebrate all the successes along the road to recovery. Celebrating our achievements can renew our energy, boost our motivation and strengthen our commitment to keep moving forward. Taking time to recognise and appreciate our hard work and progress is an important aspect of self-care in the recovery process.

There are countless ways to mark positive steps on the road to recovery. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a favourite meal, indulging in a hobby or activity that brings you joy, or spending time with loved ones who are supportive. You could also reward yourself with a small gift or indulge in some self-care activities such as a relaxing bath, a walk in nature or a massage. The key is to find something that resonates with you and gives you a sense of accomplishment and joy.

Celebrating successes is not just about recognising big milestones, but also the small victories along the way. It could be overcoming a fear, mastering a new coping skill, or simply getting through a difficult day. Every step, no matter how small, deserves recognition and celebration. This reinforces positive behaviour and builds a sense of self-efficacy, which can help you make further progress in your recovery.

It's important to remember that you deserve to feel proud and happy about your achievements. Recovery can be challenging and it takes courage, determination and hard work to overcome obstacles and make positive changes in your life. Celebrating your successes is a way to honour your resilience, perseverance and growth. It can also serve as a reminder of your skills and strengths, boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

In addition to the individual benefits, celebrating successes can also promote a positive and supportive attitude. It can inspire others who may be on a similar journey, providing hope and motivation. Sharing your successes with trusted friends, family or a support group can also create a sense of community and encouragement, further strengthening your commitment to recovery.

In conclusion, celebrating your successes in recovery is essential for your mental, emotional and overall wellbeing. It renews your energy, boosts your motivation and strengthens your commitment to keep moving forward. Whether it's a big milestone or a small victory, taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements is an important aspect of self-care in the recovery process. You deserve to feel proud and happy about your progress, and celebrating your successes can be a powerful tool in your journey to a healthier, happier life.

Celebrating successes in the recovery process is crucial for maintaining motivation, building self-esteem, and fostering a positive attitude. By recognizing and acknowledging our achievements, no matter how small they may seem, we reinforce positive behaviors and build resilience.

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